Gupta Empire Part-1 Skip to main content



Gupta Empire Part-1

The Gupta Empire, a dynasty on the Indian subcontinent whose time is considered to be the golden age of Indian history. In fact the Gupta dynasty also deserves this fame. A state develops itself holistically which includes politics, art, literature and architecture and all this can be recognized as a golden age if the sixteen arts flourish.

The Gupta Empire, which ruled from the year 320 to about 470, that is, for about 200 years, is very famous for its kings. Probably so many great kings came to power in India after the Morya dynasty. The kings of this dynasty and their glorious personalities can be traced back to the architecture and coins minted by them.

We have a lot of authentic written evidence to get information about this dynasty on Indian soil. It also includes books, architecture, gold coins and stories of foreign travelers.

Part I will describe only the source of the information of the secret kingdom. In the major sources of information of the Gupta Empire

The column of Allahabad which is also known as "Prayag Prashasti". Emperor Samudragupta's information is found. (This column is Ashoka's column in Allahabad. This column is also known as "Rani's column". This column contains information about Ashoka's beloved wife Rani Korwaki and her son Tilva. This is the same column. This citation is written in 33 lines. Its composition is in prose and verse. In the 15th century, this column will be lifted by Akbar and placed in his Agra fort. This will probably be the only column in history in which so many people are involved.)

Mehroli's column is located near the Qutub Minar in Delhi. Was established by Chandragupta-2. (Different beliefs prevail about the column. Many people also say that this column was built by King Chandra of the Tomar dynasty of Delhi. It is also said that this column was created by the great chemist Nagarjuna who was very skilled in chemistry. This column, which has been erected for almost 1500 years, has not undergone any kind of corrosion or any other damage.)

Bhitari's column inscription is located in Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh. Skandagupta's information is received.

Aran column which is located in Madhya Pradesh. From which Samudragupta's wife Datdevi is mentioned, it is also mentioned from this column that the custom of Sati practices will be in the Gupta Empire.

Poems and story composed by Mahakavi Kalidas

The Chinese traveler Fahyan's treatise can also be found in Pho-quaki.

Gold and silver coins found in abundance.   


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