Gupta Period Architecture -2 Skip to main content



Gupta Period Architecture -2

Cave of Nashik: -
  • Bound in the first century. There are 3 Buddhist caves.
  • This cave is also called "Pandavaleni".
  • There is no picture of Lord Buddha here, his position symbol and throne are depicted.
  • It is believed to be the caves of the Hinayana sect.

Mandapeshwar Cave: -
  • This cave was built in the 9th century.
  • This cave is of Brahmin style.
  • These caves were later turned into caves of Christianity.

Stupa: -
  • The construction of stupas was reduced in the Gupta period.

Sculpture: -
  • Sculpture was very developed in Sarnath.
  • Now the idol was found in cream and blue stone and the construction of the metal idol began.

Architecture of temples
  • The arrangement of temples started from Gupta period.
  • The architecture of the temples was developed in five stages.

First step: -
  • The roofs of the temples were flat.
  • There were 3 square shaped temples.
  • Built on a column
  • Low altitude.

Second Stage
  • Construction began on the stage
  • The sanctum sanctorum was covered on all sides
  • The circumference was from the formation of the path.

Third stage: -
  • A mountain-like part was built at the top of the temple.
  • Panchayati style construction started.
  • The temples of four other deities were kept in place of the main deities.
  • The stage is kept wide while the main part is small in height.

Fourth step: -
  • In this phase the construction of rectangles started.

Fifth step: -
  • At this stage the temple began to become rectangular and round.

Highlights of Hindu Temple: -
  • Garbha Griha: - Usually a small room in which the main deity is installed.
  • Mandap: - The entrance of the temple is a place of worship.
  • Peak: - A mountain or pyramid-like part above the roof.
  • Vehicle: - The chief deity has a seat or vehicle. Which is to be held in front of the main deity.


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