Dravidian art was the name given to the architecture of Vijayanagara, although it also contained certain unique features. Discuss. Skip to main content



Dravidian art was the name given to the architecture of Vijayanagara, although it also contained certain unique features. Discuss.


The Vijayanagar Empire has been the nourishing ingredient of the art of every prakajya. There was significant development during this regime in all fields of music, literature and architecture. Though counted under Dravidian art, it can be said that Vijayanagar has added many new elements to the architecture of the temple.

 A new mandap came up in The Vijayanagar round, which is called kalyana mandap.

Several tributary temples were also added to the main temples, which are called Amman Shirin.

The pillars used in the temples of Vijayanagar were the qualities of music, so they were also called pillars of music such as the pillars of the Vijay Vitthal temple.

In  order to increase the size of the construction area and  make it possible to build  a large auditorium,  a large number of pillars were used.  The construction of a mandapa with thousands of pillars was an ideal form of Vijayanagar temple art.

These pillars depict donated kings, queens and imaginary animals of different sizes.

The architecture  was decorated and  the pillars were erected in such a way that they looked imaginary. The secular buildings have Indo-Islamic characteristics, such as the construction of dome and lotus.


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